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Remote event dosent work?

Asked by 4 years ago

Hi, I am trying to make a script that once you click on specific part it fires event, but it dosent do anything no output no errors Here is Event listener

local player = game.Players.LocalPlayer
    player.Item.Value = 1
    player.InvSpace = true

Here is that thing that should fire it.

    local name = hit.Name
    local character = workspace:WaitForChild(name)
    local player = game.Players:GetPlayerFromCharacter(character)


I hope you can help me.

I'm sorry, what are you trying to do? You need to specific on what you are trying to do. Just saying 'Remote event doesn't work' isn't descriptive enough. Dovydas1118 1495 — 4y
Can't you just get the character from hit.Parent? CrypxticDoge 135 — 4y
@CrypxticDoge hit is basically the character. You don't need hit.Parent. Dovydas1118 1495 — 4y
I want my remote event fire once i click on part but once i click the first script i guess works fine i am not sure but the event listener dosent print anything what its suposed to do. kristupas12344 26 — 4y
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Try using breakpoints to debug CrypxticDoge 135 — 4y
I'm saying what you are trying to accomplish. What is your goal? Are you trying to change values in a client? If so, that is not a good idea. Dovydas1118 1495 — 4y
There is no need for the variables name and character, you can just use GetPlayerFromCharacter(Hit) CrypxticDoge 135 — 4y
@kistupas12344 Why do you need to use a RemoteEvent? You can just change it in the server script. CrypxticDoge 135 — 4y
So how do i change insde player values? kristupas12344 26 — 4y
Remove the player parameter from the OnClientInvoke script. JudgeDuckie 25 — 4y

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Answered by 4 years ago

Hey there, in your first script you used the player parameter on a OnClientEvent script. This will likely cause it to error. Another factor to this not working is using a local script to change the values. You must use a server script or regular script to change the values. I recommend not using remote events for this situation and simply using the second script. Change the code to this: script.Parent.Parent.ClickDetector.MouseClick:Connect(function(hit) local character = workspace:WaitForChild(hit.Name) local player = game.Players:GetPlayerFromCharacter(character) player.Item.Value = 1 player.InvSpace = true print("clicked") end) I may be incorrect of some things on the script I provided but I hope this helps. Duckie.

Apologies of the cramped code, I may have typed it in a way that made it do this. JudgeDuckie 25 — 4y

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