this is the gamescript;
while true do wait(25) function getteams() wait(10) c=game.Players:children() for i=1, #c do if c[i] then c[i].Character.Torso.CFrame =,5.5,33.503)) wait(10) elseif c[i] then c[i].Character.Torso.CFrame =,15.5,-61.497)) end time = 30--Change to how many seconds you want. local h ="Hint") h.Parent = game.Workspace while time > 0 do time = time -1 h.Text = "There are"..time.." seconds until the next round!" wait(1) game.Workspace.Map1:Destroy() map2 = game.Lighting.Map2:clone() map2.Parent = Workspace end end game.Players.PlayerAdded:connect(getteams) end
It looks like your script does this correctly along with some other things as well. I simplified the team changing script down for you so that it is easier to read and modify:
local originalTeamColor ="Bright blue") -- Old TeamColor local newTeamColor ="Bright red") -- New TeamColor for _, player in ipairs (game.Players:GetChildren()) do if player.TeamColor == originalTeamColor then player.TeamColor = newTeamColor end end
From here you can add on the extras you want.