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How do I identify a model/part with spaces in it? [closed]

Asked by 10 years ago

This question already has an answer here:

How to recognize a model with spaces?

I've tried quotes and apostrophes.

I want to make it so script.Parent.Parent.Seasoner - 1200 has the Seasoner - 1200 Identified as a model.

Edit: I know I can change the name but I don't want to, for neatness purposes, it's a tycoon.

This question has already been answered here: adark 5487 — 10y

Marked as Duplicate by adark and Perci1

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1 answer

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Answered by 10 years ago

You can use square brackets to contain a name with spaces into a string. So for example, you can do ["Seasoner - 1200"] to get the object with that name.


script.Parent.Parent["Seasoner - 1200"] --Notice how there's no dot after the Parent before the "Seasoner - 1200" in square brackets. Treat the class structure as a table for names with spaces.

Also, this works for names without spaces, variables, etc.
