Loading script that worked suddenly doesnt?
I have a loading script thats been in my game and suddenly it stopped working
01 | co = game:GetService( "ContentProvider" ) |
02 | plr = game.Players.LocalPlayer |
03 | gui = plr.PlayerGui.Loading_Screen |
04 | blur = Instance.new( "BlurEffect" , game.Lighting) |
06 | gui.Loading_Frame.Visible = true |
07 | game.StarterGui:SetCoreGuiEnabled(Enum.CoreGuiType.All, false ) |
08 | assets = game:GetDescendants() |
10 | local percent = i/#assets |
11 | local int = math.floor(i/#assets * 100 ) |
12 | local asset = assets [ i ] |
13 | co:PreloadAsync( { asset } ) |
14 | gui.Loading_Frame.Slider.Size = UDim 2. new(percent, 0 , 1 , 0 ) |
15 | gui.Loading_Frame.Percent_Display.Text = int.. "%" |
17 | repeat wait() until plr.Character |
19 | gui.Loading_Frame:TweenPosition(UDim 2. new(. 3 , 0 , 1.1 , 0 ), "In" , "Linear" , . 3 ) |
20 | for i = 1 , blur.Size do |
21 | blur.Size = blur.Size - 1 |
26 | game.StarterGui:SetCoreGuiEnabled(Enum.CoreGuiType.Chat, true ) |
27 | game.StarterGui:SetCoreGuiEnabled(Enum.CoreGuiType.PlayerList, true ) |
28 | game.StarterGui:SetCoreGuiEnabled(Enum.CoreGuiType.Backpack, true ) |
ive tried uninstalling and reinstalling roblox, completely rescripting it and everything, plz help
error message:
12:29:37.912 - BackgroundImage is not a valid member of Frame
12:29:37.916 - Stack Begin
12:29:37.918 - Script 'Players.Vetrodex.PlayerScripts.ChatScript.ChatMain.ChannelsTab', Line 212 - function AnimGuiObjects
12:29:37.919 - Script 'Players.Vetrodex.PlayerScripts.ChatScript.ChatMain.ChannelsTab', Line 262 - function Update
12:29:37.920 - Script 'Players.Vetrodex.PlayerScripts.ChatScript.ChatMain.ChannelsBar', Line 352 - function Update
12:29:37.920 - Script 'Players.Vetrodex.PlayerScripts.ChatScript.ChatMain.ChatWindow', Line 650 - function Update
12:29:37.921 - Script 'Players.Vetrodex.PlayerScripts.ChatScript.ChatMain', Line 192
12:29:37.922 - Stack End