I think this is some of the basics, the math.random, well I wanted to ask how to make it so it changes like after 10 seconds to another number and like that in a loop?
The code i dont even know if i need to put it but here:
1 | local randomRole = math.random( 1 , 3 ) |
Hey! You got the random number correct, and to answer this question you can just make a simply for loop, take time to read this as I will be going through how to do this.
1 | for i = 1 , 100 do -- you can obviously change this number to like 1, 500 or like 5, 6 0, or 50, 100 etc, it's not just needed at 1, 100. (this for loop is not needed |
2 | print (math.random(i)) |
3 | wait(time) -- you can put anything you want here, but it has to be a numeral value, and or localized with a numeral value. aka local time = 1 |
4 | end |