01 | -- Equip |
02 |
03 |
04 | local BlueSaber = script.Parent |
05 | local Sound = game.SoundService.lightsaber_powerdown |
06 |
07 | BlueSaber.Equipped:Connect( function () |
08 | BlueSaber.Handle.lightsaber_powerup:Play() |
09 | end ) |
10 |
11 | -- Unequip |
12 |
13 |
14 | BlueSaber.Unequipped:Connect( function () |
15 | Sound:Play() |
16 |
17 | end ) |
That is the code, the equip sound works perfectly fine but the unequip sound work. It is put in SoundService because when you unequip a tool and you put it in handle, it won't play.
Any help?
First, try keeping your Sound in workspace
[If you want to play on Server]. Else, try keeping it in StarterGui
[If you want to play on Client]. And, change the location in the script likewise.
Lemme know if it helps!