game.Players.PlayerAdded:Connect(function(player) player.Chatted:Connect(function(Message) local SplitMessage = Message:split(" ") if SplitMessage[1] == "/rank" then print("Command Is Correct") local NameOfPlayerToGiveRankTo = SplitMessage[2] local PlayerToGiveRankTo = game.Players:FindFirstChild(NameOfPlayerToGiveRankTo) local RankName = Message:split(NameOfPlayerToGiveRankTo)[2] PlayerToGiveRankTo.leaderstats.Rank.Value = RankName print(player.Name.." changed "..PlayerToGiveRankTo.."'s rank to "..RankName.."!") end end) end)
This is the client side notification
EventsFolder.NotifySender.OnClientEvent:Connect(function(PlayerToGiveRankTo, RankName) wait(0.5) game.StarterGui:SetCore("ChatMakeSystemMessage",{ Text = "You have changed ".. PlayerToGiveRankTo .."'s rank to ".. RankName .."!"; Font = Enum.Font.SourceSansBold; Color = Color3.fromRGB(85,255,0); TextSize = 18; }) end)
"PlayerToGiveRankTo" is an Instance (Player) which can be seen in line 07. You cannot concatenate (which in simpler terms means to "put together" pieces to form one string) an Instance with a string.
It seems you are trying to put the players username in the message, so change line 11
print(player.Name.." changed "..PlayerToGiveRankTo.."'s rank to "..RankName.."!")
print(player.Name.." changed ".. PlayerToGiveRankTo.Name .."'s rank to "..RankName.."!")