I have been working on a clicker game, I have recently added a rebirth system which you can earn Tix from rebirthing. You can buy cases (More cases to open at a time) with this currency. But my script isn't working, and I got no errors, I think I may of used tonumber wrong
This is my serverscript
game.ReplicatedStorage.Remotes.Case.OnServerEvent:Connect(function(player, choice, cases) if choice == "Common" then if cases >= 1 then if cases >= _G["PlayerData"][player.UserId].Cases then if _G["PlayerData"][player.UserId].Kudos >= 400 then local data = _G["PlayerData"] _G["PlayerData"][player.UserId].Kudos = _G["PlayerData"][player.UserId].Kudos - 400 local data = _G["PlayerData"] local randomize = math.floor(math.random(1,4)) if randomize == 1 then data[player.UserId].Items[1].Own = data[player.UserId].Items[1].Own + 1*tonumber(cases) _G["PlayerData"][player.UserId].IdYouGot = data[player.UserId].Items[1].Id _G["PlayerData"][player.UserId].YouGot = data[player.UserId].Items[1].Name _G["PlayerData"][player.UserId].YouGotRAP = data[player.UserId].Items[1].Value _G["PlayerData"][player.UserId].ItemNum = 1 return end
This is my LocalScript
fr.Cases.ScrollingFrame.Common.MouseButton1Click:Connect(function() local data = remotes.GetData:InvokeServer() fr.Cases.Visible = false fr.HowMuch.Visible = true -- Input how much cases fr.HowMuch.Case.Text = "Common" end)
fr.HowMuch.Spin.MouseButton1Click:Connect(function() if tonumber(fr.HowMuch.TextBox.Text) >= 1 then game.ReplicatedStorage.Remotes.Case:FireServer(fr.HowMuch.Case.Text, tonumber(box.Text)) fr.Cases.Visible = false fr.HowMuch.Visible = false fr.YouGot.Visible = true end end)
I solved the error!