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Circular Timer GUI? [SOLVED] [closed]

Asked by 10 years ago

EDIT (Mostly @BlueTaslem): How would I make the script you gave me start at a specific time like 30 and how would you match the bar based on the specific time? (So it's full at 30 instead of half-empty.)

Hi everyone, I was wondering if it was possible to create a circular timer GUI like in this image and this image.

Last time I checked, someone told me it wasn't possible but I was wondering if there is anyway I can do this now. This can obviously be more than a timer, like a circular health HUD with the health around the edge of the circle.

Any help is appreciated, thanks!

I'd say you can only create this with decals. Unless someone does have a way. Just ROBLOX doesn't have that type of GUI. DevWork 80 — 10y
Yeah, that kind of sucks, I thought ROBLOX would've supported this by now in some shape or form. Going to see what other answers I can find. Spongocardo 1991 — 10y

Locked by Spongocardo, BlackJPI, adark, and BlueTaslem

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1 answer

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Answered by
BlueTaslem 18071 Moderation Voter Administrator Community Moderator Super Administrator
10 years ago

Using a decal may prove the simplest.

You can, of course, construct a ring of TextLabels using the Rotation property and color them however you want.

It looks a bit strange, because ROBLOX doesn't allow pixel-perfection in GUIs (not anti-aliased and all values must be integral), but it's a start.

Animating this ring by changing the colors of each looks a bit odd, though, since they overlap and are not purely one pixel wide.

To fix this, we can each into a sort of linear-loading bar that starts draining as soon as the one next to it completely drains.

Here's a demo (drop it into a ScreenGui and it'll work)

local num = 360;
local radius = 80;
local thick = 5;

local BLUE =,2/3,1);
local GRAY =,0.3,0.3);

local dots = {};

local h = 2* radius * math.tan( math.pi * 2 / num  / 2);
-- Trig determining height of a TextLabel that is `radius`
-- from the center at the outside edge

local text ="TextLabel",script.Parent);
text.Name = "Text";
text.BackgroundTransparency = 1;
text.Font = "SourceSansBold";
text.FontSize = "Size48";
text.TextColor3 = GRAY;
text.Position =,0,0.5,0);
text.Size =,0,0,0);

for t = 0, 1, 1/num do
    local theta = math.pi * 2 * t;
    local a ="TextLabel",script.Parent);
    a.Size =,thick + 1,0, h + 1.5);
    a.Position =
        0.5, math.cos(theta) * (radius - thick/2) , 0.5, math.sin(theta) * (radius - thick/2)
    a.Text = "";
    a.Name = "ClockEdge";
    a.BorderSizePixel = 0;
    a.Rotation = t * 360 + 0.5;
    a.BackgroundColor3 = GRAY;
    local sub = a:clone();
    sub.Parent = a;
    sub.Size =,0,0.25,0);
    sub.Position =,-1,0,-1);
    sub.BackgroundColor3 = BLUE;
    sub.Rotation = 0;
    sub.Name = "Sub";

while wait() do
    local t = tick();
    t = t / 3;
    t = 1 - t % 1;
    -- `t` is amount filled
    for i = 1, #dots do
        --`dots` is list of all text labels
        local progress = (i - 1) / #dots;
        local nextp = (i) / #dots;

        local d = dots[i];
        -- progress is percentage around the circle
        -- that dot `d` is
        local u = t - progress;
        u = u / (nextp - progress);
        u = math.max(0,math.min(1,u));
        d.Sub.Size =,2, u, 2);
        d.Sub.Visible = u > 0;
    text.Text = math.floor(t * 60);

If I can make any part of that code more clear, let me know, I know it doesn't have as much explanation as would be nice.

Using the above code:

  • radius is the outer radius of the circle [pixels]
  • thick is the thickness of the circle (so radius - thick is the inner radius) [pixels]
  • text is just a TextLabel with a number in it, so it could be removed and you could easily add your own
  • t represents a percentage full so 0 is all empty (gray) and 1 is all full (blue). If you have 45 seconds of 60 remaining, then t = 45 / 60. If you haven't started and are keeping it full, just let t = 1
Thank you for an answer. Quite a lot going on in the code. All I'm wondering now is how you could make it so that the value would drop by 1 every second. I'm assuming this would have something to do with editing the for loop, but I'm not too certain. Spongocardo 1991 — 10y
Nevermind, I got it. Thank you very much! Spongocardo 1991 — 10y
One more question, I got the GUI to drop by one every second by changing the 3 on line 47, to 60 (so "t = t / 60"). How would I make it start at a certain time (say, 30 seconds) and have the bar full? Best guess is that you'd have to divide the time you want with the num property to get the bar full, but I'm not too sure on how to get the text to start at the time you'd want. Spongocardo 1991 — 10y
So, basically, `t` is just a number between `0` and `1`. If you were reading from another Value object, for example, that went from 60 down to 0, you could change `t = 1 - value / 60` at the beginning of each loop. || Figure out the *percentage* that you're through, and just plug that in for `t`. [Edited post to include some of this explanation] BlueTaslem 18071 — 10y
Ok, thank you. Spongocardo 1991 — 10y