Hey there! My Discord embed hasn't been sending, and I don't know why.
It gave me the error "HTTP 400 (Bad Request)", and I don't know what's wrong with my code! I've made sure HTTP services are on, and I've double checked my code, but I can't find what's wrong!
My code:
function sendWebhook(user, rank) local data = http:JSONEncode({ { ["content"] = "", ["embeds"] = {{ ["title"] = "USER PROMOTED", ["type"] = "rich", ["color"] = tonumber(0xFFA500), ["description"] = user..' has been promoted to '..rank..'!', ["footer"] = 'AutoRank created by ParticularlyPenguin', }}, }, }) http:PostAsync(webhook, data) end
All help will be appreciated.
Did A Bit Of Messing Around And Came Up With This:
function sendWebhook(user, rank) local data ={ ["embeds"] = {{ ["color"] = 5368, ["title"] = "USER PROMOTED", ["description"] = user.." has been promoted to "..rank.."!", ["fields"] = { } }} } local newdata = http:JSONEncode(data) http:PostAsync(webhook,newdata) end