Here, you can TweenService, although you have created variables but haven't used it.
Here, we are gonna a new local function for Tween..
02 | ArmsV.Value = Arms.PrimaryPart.CFrame |
06 | local function TweenPlayer(object, tween, properties) |
07 | local TweenService = game:GetService( "TweenService" ) |
08 | local TweenInfo =, Enum.EasingStyle.Linear, Enum.EasingDirection.In, 0 , false , 0 ) |
09 | local Tween = TweenService:Create(object, TweenInfo, properties) |
Now to run your Tween, you can simply do:
3 | ArmsV.Changed:Connect( function (value) |
4 | Arms:SetPrimaryPartCFrame(value) |
8 | TweenPlayer(ArmsV, 3 , 0 , - 1.2 , 0.3 ) |
Setting up above things in your script..
01 | local Camera = workspace.CurrentCamera |
02 | local RunService = game:GetService( "RunService" ) |
03 | local CharacterBodyColor = Character:WaitForChild( "Body Colors" ) |
04 | local ArmBodyColor = Arms:WaitForChild( "Body Colors" ) |
05 | local Humanoid = Character:FindFirstChildOfClass( "Humanoid" ) |
06 | local Clothing = Character:FindFirstChild( "Shirt" ):Clone() |
10 | ArmsV.Value = Arms.PrimaryPart.CFrame |
14 | local function TweenPlayer(object, tween, properties) |
15 | local TweenService = game:GetService( "TweenService" ) |
16 | local TweenInfo =, Enum.EasingStyle.Linear, Enum.EasingDirection.In, 0 , false , 0 ) |
17 | local Tween = TweenService:Create(object, TweenInfo, properties) |
28 | ArmsV.Changed:Connect( function (value) |
29 | Arms:SetPrimaryPartCFrame(value) |
32 | local function deleteArms() |
37 | local function adjustArms() |
38 | ArmBodyColor.LeftArmColor 3 = CharacterBodyColor.LeftArmColor 3 |
39 | ArmBodyColor.RightArmColor 3 = CharacterBodyColor.RightArmColor 3 |
47 | Humanoid.Died:Connect(deleteArms) |
49 | RunService.Heartbeat:Connect(TweenPlayer(ArmsV, 3 , 0 , - 1.2 , 0.3 )) |
Lemme know if it helps!