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How can I make my sound script work with multiple sounds?

Asked by 3 years ago

This is the screen shake to audio local script I want to fix: 01 local RunService = game:GetService("RunService") 02 03 local Music = workspace:WaitForChild("Music") 04 local CurrentCamera = workspace.CurrentCamera 05 06 local ScreenShakeSettings = { 07 CameraMinFOV = 75, 08 CameraMaxFOV = 100, 09 CameraMaxVolume = 1200 10 } 11 12 13 game:GetService("RunService").RenderStepped:connect(function() 14 local CurrentLoudness = Music.PlaybackLoudness 15 local FOV = ScreenShakeSettings.CameraMinFOV + (ScreenShakeSettings.CameraMaxFOV - ScreenShakeSettings.CameraMinFOV) * (CurrentLoudness / ScreenShakeSettings.CameraMaxVolume) 16 if FOV > 0 and FOV < 130 then 17 CurrentCamera.FieldOfView = FOV 18 end 19 end) I basically want to make this work for more than one sound like the other sounds I have (Music2, Music3, Music4, etc). The one that is attached to the script right now is "Music". The local script is called Main and it goes in starter GUI.

Do not use inline code for scripts, use the blue lua button NathanBlox_Studios 212 — 3y

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Answered by 3 years ago
local RunService = game:GetService("RunService")
local Music = workspace:WaitForChild("Music")
local CurrentCamera = workspace.CurrentCamera
local ScreenShakeSettings = {CameraMinFOV = 75, CameraMaxFOV = 100, CameraMaxVolume = 1200}
        local CurrentLoudness = Music.PlaybackLoudness
        local FOV =
            ScreenShakeSettings.CameraMinFOV +
            (ScreenShakeSettings.CameraMaxFOV - ScreenShakeSettings.CameraMinFOV) *
                (CurrentLoudness / ScreenShakeSettings.CameraMaxVolume)
        if FOV > 0 and FOV < 130 then
            CurrentCamera.FieldOfView = FOV

Now, you could wait until the sound is finished maybe?

You could use repeat wait() until or some other method. Maybe even a while loop.


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