This is NOT a request site! You got lucky this time with wantedfunnybunny2 answering. Next time, please show us what you've tried. Right now I have nothing to work off of and it seems as if you put zero effort into the problem.
Put all of your maps in lighting. This is designed to support 6 maps, but it can be easily edited for more. Name each of your maps M1, M2, M3, M4, M5, and m6
local T = 1 --Change this to how long you want each map to be played on local M = 1 local L = game.Lighting local M1 = L.Map1:Clone() local M2 = L.Map2:Clone() local M3 = L.Map3:Clone() local M4 = L.Map4:Clone() local M5 = L.Map5:Clone() local M6 = L.Map6:Clone() local C = nil while true do if M == 1 then M = M + 1 C = M1:Clone() C:MakeJoints() C.Parent = game.Workspace Wait(T) C:Remove() elseif M == 2 then M = M + 1 C = M2:Clone() C:MakeJoints() C.Parent = game.Workspace Wait(T) C:Remove() elseif M == 3 then M = M + 1 C = M3:Clone() C:MakeJoints() C.Parent = game.Workspace Wait(T) C:Remove() elseif M == 4 then M = M + 1 C = M4:Clone() C:MakeJoints() C.Parent = game.Workspace Wait(T) C:Remove() elseif M == 5 then M = M + 1 C = M5:Clone() C:MakeJoints() C.Parent = game.Workspace Wait(T) C:Remove() elseif M == 6 then M = 1 C = M6:Clone() C:MakeJoints() C.Parent = game.Workspace Wait(T) C:Remove() else end end
for i,v in pairs(game.Players:GetPlayers()) do if v.Character ~= nil then if v.TeamColor == "Bright red" then v.Character.Torso.Position =, 0, 0) --Position Team 1 teleports to elseif v.TeamColor == "Bright green" then v.Character.Torso.Position =, 0, 0) --Position Team 2 teleports to end end end --Change the vector 3 values to the position you wish the players to teleport to.
If you wanted random maps couldnt you use math.random and check what the answer is equal to and if it equals a certain number then loads the map?