For some reason the data I have isn't being stored (Only tested in studio). Yes I do have allow APIs on. Any and all help would be appreciated.
1st script store in ServerScriptStorage named "Startup"
local Players = game:GetService("Players") local RS = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage") local RunService = game:GetService("RunService") local DSS = game:GetService("DataStoreService") local Datastore = DSS:GetDataStore("Test") local ReplicatedModules = RS:WaitForChild("Modules") local InsCreator = require(ReplicatedModules.InstanceCreator) local function PlayerAdded(plr) local leaderstats = InsCreator.create("Folder",{Name = "leaderstats",Parent = plr}) local pizza = InsCreator.create("IntValue",{Name = "Pizza",Value = 0}) local cash = InsCreator.create("IntValue",{Name = "Cash",Value = 0}) local rebirths = InsCreator.create("IntValue",{Name = "Rebirths",Value = 0}) local key = string.format("%s's data",plr.UserId) local success, err = pcall(function() local save = Datastore:GetAsync(key) if save then pizza.Value = save[1] cash.Value = save[2] rebirths.Value = save[3] end end) if success then print(string.format("loaded %s's data",plr.Name)) elseif err then warn(err) print(string.format("Failed to load %s data",plr.Name)) end leaderstats.Parent = plr pizza.Parent = leaderstats cash.Parent = leaderstats rebirths.Parent = leaderstats end local function PlayerRemoving(plr) local key = string.format("%s's data",plr.UserId) local ls = plr.leaderstats local success,err = pcall(function() Datastore:SetAsync(key,{ls.Pizza.Value,ls.Cash.Value,ls.Rebirths.Value}) end) if success then print(string.format("saved %s's data",plr.Name)) elseif err then warn(err) end end Players.PlayerAdded:Connect(PlayerAdded) Players.PlayerRemoving:Connect(PlayerRemoving)
2nd script(module script) stored in Replicated Storage > Modules named InstanceCreator
local InstanceCreator = {} function InstanceCreator.create(class,properties) local newItem = {} newItem = for i, v in pairs(properties) do newItem[i] = v end return newItem end return InstanceCreator
We found the problem in chat, he was testing in studio, not the game.