local DSS = game:GetService("DataStoreService")
local Playerstats = DSS:GetDataStore("PlayerStats")
local leaderstats = Instance.new("Folder") leaderstats.Name = "leaderstats" leaderstats.Parent = player local Points = Instance.new("IntValue") Points.Name = "Points" Points.Value = 0 Points.Parent = leaderstats local Gold = Instance.new("IntValue") Gold.Name = "Gold" Gold.Value = 0 Gold.Parent = leaderstats local data local success, errormessage = pcall(function() local data = Playerstats:GetAsync(player.UserId..("-gold")) end) if success then player.leaderstats.Gold.Value = data else print("An Error Appearred while retriving data") warn(errormessage) end
local success, errormessage = pcall(function() Playerstats:SetAsync(player.UserId..("-gold"),player.leaderstats.Gold.Value) end) if success then print("Player Data Successfully Saved") else print("Error in Saving Player Data") warn(errormessage) end
can anyone verify if this script is working because i already turned on api and nothing happens .
I use datastore2 API which is a module script which simply helps you with your datastores.. well... it's as if the service didn't exist and instead were a lot of code.. good part is that the data saves when the player leaves.. so to start, add a script in the server script service, then on the script add:
--·DataStore·-- local DataStore2 = require(1936396537)
alright, we got the API, we now need to make the default values, write this:
--·DataStore·-- local DataStore2 = require(1936396537) --Default Values local Points_Default = 0 local Gold_Default = 0
now, we need to start the datastores, so write this
--·DataStore·-- local DataStore2 = require(1936396537) --Default Values local Points_Default = 0 local Gold_Default = 0 --Start game.Players.PlayerAdded:Connect(function(LocalPlayer)--I like to call it LocalPlayer end)
in the start, we need to write the datastores, some functions and the values
--·DataStore·-- local DataStore2 = require(1936396537) --Default Values local Points_Default = 0 local Gold_Default = 0 --Start game.Players.PlayerAdded:Connect(function(LocalPlayer)--I like to call it LocalPlayer --Main data folder / leaderstats local Leaderstats = Instance.new("Folder",LocalPLayer) Leaderstats.Name = "leaderstats" --DataStores local PointsDataStore = DataStore2("Points",LocalPlayer) local Points = Instance.new("IntValue",Leaderstats) Points.Name = "Points" local GoldDataStore = DataStore2("Gold",LocalPlayer) local Gold = Instance.new("IntValue",Leaderstats) Gold.Name = "Gold" --Loading functions local function PointsUpdate(UpdatedValue) Points.Value = PointsDataStore:Get(UpdatedValue) end local function GoldUpdate(UpdatedValue) Gold.Value = PointsDataStore:Get(UpdatedValue) end PointsUpdate(Points_Default) GoldUpdate(Gold_Default) PointsDataStore:OnUpdate(PointsUpdate) GoldDataStore:OnUpdate(GoldUpdate) end)
after that, you can add the functions to update the values, for that you must get a function which returns the player, for example a remote event, we can write this after the end)
game.ReplicatedStorage.UpdateValue.OnServerEvent:Connect(function(LocalPlayer,Gold_Points,value,Increment_Set) if Gold_Points == "Gold" then local GoldDataStore = DataStore2("Gold",LocalPlayer) if Increment_Set == "Set" then GoldDataStore:Set(value) else GoldDataStore:Increment(value) end else local PointsDataStore = DataStore2("Points",LocalPlayer) if Increment_Set == "Set" then PointsDataStore:Set(Value) else PointsDataStore:Increment(Value) end end end)
oh and if you want it to save on studio, make a bool value on the server storage, set it true and name it: "SaveOnStudio"