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I need help editing a mute boombox script.?

Asked by 4 years ago

I need help on a localscript that mutes the audio that is playing so you cant get blasted with some extremely loud audio that could possibly lag you. as seen in Breaking point You are able to mute other peoples radios. one thing is, i need it so it mutes other radios, so you are able to still hear your own!

this is the script but i have it in a localscript and yet it still mutes all audios, i made this up trying it out and it only mutes all radios!

    if msg:lower() == "/mute" then
        game:GetService("SoundService"):FindFirstChild("Radios").Volume = 0
    elseif msg:lower() == "/unmute" then
        game:GetService("SoundService"):FindFirstChild("Radios").Volume = 1

I know most people wouldn't want to help me out because they say stuff like "I don't do commissions" but if anyone out there would be kind enough to help me out, please do so and reply to this message because the only thing i can do is build and i'm still actually learning LUA.

Keep scripting, and stay safe!

I don't think you can use the Chatted event in local scripts. Pupppy44 671 — 4y
It does work for me, in game it mutes everything. but i need it to mute just the other players boomboxes. ParSoft 2 — 4y

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