there are no errors and the game just wont save data
local dataStore = game:GetService("DataStoreService"):GetDataStore("MyMiningData") local capacityEvent = game.ReplicatedStorage:WaitForChild("UICapacityEvent") local boughtRequest = game.ReplicatedStorage:WaitForChild("BoughtRequest") _G.boughtArray = {} local debugMode =true function onSpawn(character) local player = game.Players:GetPlayerFromCharacter(character) local pickaxe = player:WaitForChild("Pickaxe").Value local backpack = player:WaitForChild("BackpackItem").Value local newPickaxe = game.ReplicatedStorage:FindFirstChild(pickaxe):Clone() newPickaxe.Parent = player.Backpack local newBackpack = game.ReplicatedStorage:FindFirstChild(backpack):Clone() player.Character.Humanoid:AddAccessory(newBackpack) local capacity = newBackpack.Capacity.Value capacityEvent:FireClient(player, capacity) end function onPlayerEntered(player) local initKey = "user_" .. player.userId .. "_init" local coinsKey = "user_" .. player.userId .. "_coins" local minedKey = "user_" .. player.userId .. "_mined" local invenValKey = "user_" .. player.userId .. "_invenVal" local invenCountKey = "user_" .. player.userId .. "_invenCount" local backpackKey = "user_" .. player.userId .. "_backpack" local pickaxeKey = "user_" .. player.userId .. "_pickaxe" local boughtKey = "user_" .. player.userId .. "_bought" local rebirthKey = "user_" .. player.userId .. "_rebirth" local rebirthCKey = "user_" .. player.userId .. "_rebrithC" if (dataStore:GetAsync(initKey) == nil or debugMode == true) then dataStore:SetAsync(initKey, true) dataStore:SetAsync(coinsKey, 0) dataStore:SetAsync(minedKey, 0) dataStore:SetAsync(invenValKey, 0) dataStore:SetAsync(invenCountKey, 0) dataStore:SetAsync(backpackKey, "BackpackBasic") dataStore:SetAsync(pickaxeKey, "Basic Pickaxe") dataStore:SetAsync(boughtKey, {}) dataStore:SetAsync(rebirthKey, 0) dataStore:SetAsync(rebirthCKey, 10000000) end local init = dataStore:GetAsync(initKey) local mined = dataStore:GetAsync(minedKey) local coins = dataStore:GetAsync(coinsKey) local invenVal = dataStore:GetAsync(invenValKey) local invenCount = dataStore:GetAsync(invenCountKey) local backpack = dataStore:GetAsync(backpackKey) local pickaxe = dataStore:GetAsync(pickaxeKey) local bought = dataStore:GetAsync(boughtKey) local rebirth = dataStore:GetAsync(rebirthKey) local rebirthC = dataStore:GetAsync(rebirthCKey) _G.boughtArray[player.userId] = bought local leaderstats ="Folder") leaderstats.Name = "leaderstats" leaderstats.Parent = player local minedBoard ="IntValue") minedBoard.Name = "Mined" minedBoard.Value = mined minedBoard.Parent = leaderstats local coinsBoard ="IntValue") coinsBoard.Name = "Coins" coinsBoard.Value = coins coinsBoard.Parent = leaderstats local rebirthBoard ="IntValue") rebirthBoard.Name = "Rebirths" rebirthBoard.Value = rebirth rebirthBoard.Parent = leaderstats local rebirthCBoard ="IntValue") rebirthCBoard.Name = "RebirthCost" rebirthCBoard.Value = rebirthC rebirthCBoard.Parent = player local value ="IntValue") value.Name = "InventoryValue" value.Value = invenVal value.Parent = player local count ="IntValue") count.Name = "InventoryCount" count.Value = invenCount count.Parent = player local bpObject ="StringValue") bpObject.Name = "BackpackItem" bpObject.Value = backpack bpObject.Parent = player local pkObject ="StringValue") pkObject.Name = "Pickaxe" pkObject.Value = pickaxe pkObject.Parent = player local inMine ="BoolValue") inMine.Name = "InMine" inMine.Value = false inMine.Parent = player onSpawn(player.Character) player.CharacterAdded:Connect(onSpawn) print("Data correctly loaded for " .. player.Name) end function onPlayerLeaving(player) print("Starting to save player progress") local userID = player.UserId print("Loading Leaderstats") local stats = player:WaitForChild("leaderstats") print("Finished Loading") local mined = stats.Mined.Value local coins = stats.Coins.Value local rebirth = stats.Rebirths.Value local invenVal = player.InventoryValue.Value local invenCount = player.InventoryCount.Value local backpack = player.BackpackItem.Value local pickaxe = player.Pickaxe.Value local rebirthC = player.RebirthCost.Value local bought = _G.boughtArray[player.userId] print("Blocks Mined: " .. mined .. "Coins: " .. coins) local minedKey = "user_" .. player.userId .. "_mined" local coinsKey = "user_" .. player.userId .. "_coins" local rebirthKey = "user_" .. player.userId .. "_rebirth" local rebirthMKey = "user_" .. player.userId .. "_rebirthM" local invenValKey = "user_" .. player.userId .. "_invenVal" local invenCountKey = "user_" .. player.userId .. "_invenCount" local backpackKey = "user_" .. player.userId .. "_backpack" local pickaxeKey = "user_" .. player.userId .. "_pickaxe" local boughtKey = "user_" .. player.userId .. "_bought" local rebirthCKey = "user_" .. player.userId .. "_rebrithC" dataStore:SetAsync(minedKey, mined) dataStore:SetAsync(coinsKey, coins) dataStore:SetAsync(rebirthKey, rebirth) dataStore:SetAsync(invenValKey, invenVal) dataStore:SetAsync(invenCountKey, invenCount) dataStore:SetAsync(backpackKey, backpack) dataStore:SetAsync(pickaxeKey, pickaxe) dataStore:SetAsync(boughtKey, bought) dataStore:SetAsync(rebirthCKey, rebirthC) print("Player Saved Game") end function onBoughtRequest(player) while (_G.boughtArray[player.userId] == nil) do wait(0.1) end return _G.boughtArray[player.userId] end game.Players.PlayerAdded:Connect(onPlayerEntered) game.Players.PlayerRemoving:Connect(onPlayerLeaving) boughtRequest.OnServerInvoke = onBoughtRequest function Rebirth(player) local coins = player.leaderstats:FindFirstChild("Coins") local rebirth = player.leaderstats:FindFirstChild("Rebirths") local cost = player:FindFirstChild("RebirthCost") local invenVal = player:FindFirstChild("InventoryValue") local invenCount = player:FindFirstChild("InventoryCount") local bpObject = player:FindFirstChild("BackpackItem") local pkObject = player:FindFirstChild("Pickaxe") local stats = player.leaderstats local pickaxe = game.ReplicatedStorage:FindFirstChild("Basic Pickaxe") local backpack = game.ReplicatedStorage:FindFirstChild("BackpackBasic") local playerGui = player:WaitForChild("PlayerGui") local bought = _G.boughtArray if coins.Value >= cost.Value then coins.Value = 0 cost.Value = cost.Value + 10000000 rebirth.Value = rebirth.Value + 1 invenVal = 0 invenCount = 0 for k in pairs(bought) do bought[k] = {} end for _, buttons in pairs(playerGui.MainGui.ShopFrame:GetDescendants()) do if buttons:IsA("TextButton") then buttons.BackgroundColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(92, 195, 37) end end bpObject = "BackpackBasic" pkObject = "Basic Pickaxe" local newItem1 = pickaxe:Clone() local newItem2 = backpack:Clone() player.Character.Humanoid:UnequipTools() player:FindFirstChild(player.Pickaxe.Value, true):Destroy() newItem1.Parent = player.Backpack player.Pickaxe.Value = newItem1.Name player.Character:FindFirstChild(player.BackpackItem.Value):Destroy() player.Character.Humanoid:AddAccessory(newItem2) player.BackpackItem.Value = newItem2.Name capacityEvent:FireClient(player, newItem2.Capacity.Value) return true end return false end game.ReplicatedStorage.Rebirth.OnServerInvoke = Rebirth
When you save the data, embed it in a pcall. For example:
game.Players.PlayerAdded:connect(function(player) local success, err = pcall(function() datastore:SetAsync(key,value) end) if success then print("Success!") elseif not success and err then print("Error: "..err) end end)