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Instance:IsA randomly stopped working? [FIXED]

Asked by
Jac_00b 157
4 years ago
Edited 4 years ago

So, I'm trying to make a script that whenever somebody clicks two buttons they can insert a name to create another. I had no trouble with the script until randomly one line stopped working. I didn't change anything from the script, and all the line does is check if v is a frame. I have no idea what's causing this. Here's the script (Btw its a local script):

01local filterd = game.ReplicatedStorage.Filter
02local fil = game.ReplicatedStorage.FilterBack
03local check = game.ReplicatedStorage.Send2
04local server = game.ReplicatedStorage.ServerCreate
05local counter = 0
06local precheck = false
07local id
08local id2
09local check = game.StarterGui.Main.Scroll:GetChildren()
10local fail = game.ReplicatedStorage.Fail
11local success = game.ReplicatedStorage.Success
12local player = game.Players.LocalPlayer
13local newgui = player:WaitForChild("PlayerGui"):WaitForChild("Request").TextBox
14local debounce = false
View all 72 lines...

So if you could help, I would appreciate it!

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Answered by
Jac_00b 157
4 years ago

Turns out that line wasn't actually the culprit. It was the other Isa. I had to change that if from an end directly there to an else.


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