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Cannot store Dictionary in data store?

Asked by 4 years ago
Edited 4 years ago

So I made a placement system and you can change its color, material etc. But the only thing that doesnt work is saving the build. here is my script:

local partTable = {}

for i, inst in pairs(workspace:GetChildren()) do
    if inst.Name == "BuiltBlock" then
        local position = inst.Position
        local material = inst.Material
        local color = inst.BrickColor
        local size = inst.Size
        partTable[i] = {Position = position, Material = material, Color = color, Size = size}

local success, err = pcall(function()
    BuildsDataStore:SetAsync(player.UserId, partTable)
if err then

So when i try to save it, it prints: 104: Cannot store Dictionary in data store. Data stores can only accept valid UTF-8 characters.

Please help!!

Edit: Ok, so I found a way to save the data. But, it saves all the values as one? What is happening here?

You can't store Color3 or Vector3 (not sure about material), you can convert those values to ints before saving Leamir 3138 — 4y
how would i convert vector3 to an int val DragonSpawner12 61 — 4y
convert it to a strings instead, for your case strings would be easier, use JSon greatneil80 2647 — 4y
Vector3.X, Vector3.Y, Vector3.Z Leamir 3138 — 4y
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ok it doesnt work when i load the build. apparently when i save the table, it takes all the values and adds them all up? why is that? DragonSpawner12 61 — 4y
I need to see the save script Leamir 3138 — 4y

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Answered by 4 years ago

The issue isn't actually the dictionary- it's the contents. DataStores are effectively JSON tables, so they can only store numbers, booleans, tables, and strings. You could fairly easily store the Vector3s and Color3s as arrays/dictionaries like

local vector3 = {
    X = myVector3.X,
    Y = myVector3.Y,
    Z = myVector3.Z

local color3 = {
    R = myColor3.R,
    G = myColor3.G,
    B = myColor3.B

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It kind of works, but when i load the build, it prints X cannot be assigned to [blank]. What is happening here? DragonSpawner12 61 — 4y

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