So I am getting the error 'Getchildren is not a valid member of Folder' in this line of code
elseif #mapVoteFolder:GetChildren() == #highestVoted:GetChildren() then
From this loop
for i, mapVoteFolder in pairs(mapVotesFolder:GetChildren()) do if not highestVoted then highestVoted = mapVoteFolder end if #mapVoteFolder:GetChildren() > #highestVoted:GetChildren() then highestVoted = mapVoteFolder elseif #mapVoteFolder:GetChildren() == #highestVoted:GetChildren() then local mapsToChoose = {mapVoteFolder, highestVoted} highestVoted = mapsToChoose[math.random(#mapsToChoose)] end end
Is it because of something inside the folder not being there or because of something inside my script? Thanks in advance