I am making a trading system. I will explain how it works
1) Player clicks another player is a list of tradeable players and that requested player gets the trade request
2) Once they click accept both of the traders will be shown the TradingGui.
3) The player has 3 different inventory types to select a trade from. Banner Icon, Emote & Victory Theme. There is a button in the Gui which will send a remote event to the server containing InventoryType
button the player clicked on. For example, Emote Button.
4) The server will go to the Player's inventory and try to find a folder named the same as the emote button. When it finds the Emote Folder it will create a table called PlayerInventory
. It will loop through the players emotes. It will also create another table called InventoryDataSpot
, which will save all values parented by that emote. (EmoteName, Quantity, Image, Rarity).
An InventoryDataSpot
table should look like this.
(This is not the problem)
local InventoryDataSpot = {}--Makes table local IDS_Background = Templates.RarityBackgrounds[InventoryItemInInventoryType.Rarity.Value].Image --Saves Rarity Image local IDS_Name = InventoryItem.Name --Saves Name local IDS_Title = InventoryItem.Name --Saves Name again local IDS_ItemPicture = InventoryItemInInventoryType.Image --saves image of the requested item local IDS_Amount = InventoryItem.Quantity.Value--Saves the amount of the item the player owns --inserts all of the saved variables into IDS table.insert(InventoryDataSpot,IDS_Background) table.insert(InventoryDataSpot,IDS_Name) table.insert(InventoryDataSpot,IDS_Title) table.insert(InventoryDataSpot,IDS_ItemPicture) table.insert(InventoryDataSpot,IDS_Amount) --IDS then is saved to the PlayerInventory table.insert(PlayerInventory,InventoryDataSpot) print("Added",InventoryItem.Name,"to PlayerInventory")
5)The server will return the PlayerInventory table back to the player in a remote event. This is where the problem starts. The client will receive the table and will clone a FrameGui saved in replicated storage to store all the information in.
Here is how it is coded, It should be fairly easy to read:
for i = 1,#PlayerInventory do print("creating the frames") local IDS_Background = PlayerInventory[i][1] local IDS_Name = PlayerInventory[i][2] local IDS_Title = PlayerInventory[i][3] local IDS_ItemPicture = PlayerInventory[i][4] local IDS_Amount = PlayerInventory[i][5] local NewInventoryFrame = Templates.InventoryItemFrameTemplate:Clone() NewInventoryFrame.Background.Image = IDS_Background NewInventoryFrame.Name = IDS_Name NewInventoryFrame.Title.Text = IDS_Title NewInventoryFrame.ItemPicture.Image = IDS_ItemPicture NewInventoryFrame.Amount.Text = IDS_Amount NewInventoryFrame.Parent = Frame.TradeFrame.InventoryShowcase.ScrollingFrame --will display the item inside the scrollingframe if IDS_Amount > 1 then--If it the player has more than one NewInventoryFrame.Amount.Visible = true --it will show how much of it the player owns end end
Now, after that is ran, the client will then create a function for a TextButton
called ClickBox
. Yes. It's called ClickBox
and not ClickButton. It is still a TextButton
. I'm 100% sure. ClickBox
is inside the frame that is being cloned. The player should be able to click it as it should appear inside the ScrollingFrame
This script runs in the next line of the one above. The frames should have been added to the ScrollingFrame
, so it will loop through it. The code continues to work. There are no errors printed.
for i,InventoryFrame in pairs(Frame.TradeFrame.InventoryShowcase.ScrollingFrame:GetChildren())do if InventoryFrame:IsA("Frame")then--If it is a frame. Yes. The cloned frame is a Frame class InventoryFrame.ClickBox.MouseButton1Click:Connect(function()--PROBLEM print("FOUND CLICK") for i,Slot in pairs(TradingGui.Values.TradingSlots:GetChildren())do--it will go through all trading slots print("IN SLOT FOR LOOP") if Slot.Value == "" then--if the slot isnt occupied print("SLOT EQUALS NOTHING.") Slot.Value = InventoryFrame.Name--changes slot value to the item name print("VALUE IS NOW",InventoryFrame.Name) ReplicatedStorage.RemoteEvents.C2S.ChangePartnerTradingSlot(Slot.Name,InventoryFrame.Name, TradingGui.Values.TradingPartner.Value, TradingGui.Values.InventoryType.Value) print("SENT RE") break else print(Slot.Name,"is occupied") end end end) end end
There is some extra code in the mouse button1click. And none of the prints show. Meaning the "FOUND CLICK" does not show which indicates that it is not reading the mousebutton1click
I hope someone could lend a hand on how or why it's failing to detect the click.
It turns out the reason why it was not working was because it was running the wrong function. The whole MouseButton1Click part was not in use. What was happening was that it was running the function for the Partner's trade instead. You cannot select the partner's items.
I am so sorry if I wasted anyone's time!