My number value doesn't change whenever the script runs through it. The change is at line 38.
local UserInputService = game:GetService("UserInputService") local doors = game.Workspace.Doors:GetChildren() local player = game.Players.LocalPlayer local slow = 0 local function onInputBegan(InputObject, gameProcessedEvent) for i , v in pairs(doors) do local open = if math.ceil((v.Part.Position - player.Character.Head.Position).Magnitude) <= 10 then if InputObject.KeyCode == Enum.KeyCode.E and open == 0 then local doormodel = v v = doormodel local door = doormodel.Part local X = door.Position.X local endX = X - 2.9 local Y = door.Position.Y local Z = door.Position.Z local Z2 = Z local endZ = Z + 2.6 local rotate = door.Orientation.Y local angle = math.rad(rotate) local angle2 = math.rad(rotate) local angleend = angle + math.rad(90) if slow == 0 then if math.ceil((door.Position - player.Character.Head.Position).Magnitude) <= 10 then if rotate == 0 then -- 0 degrees while true do if angle < angleend and endZ > Z then door.CanCollide = false door.CFrame = + 0.13,Y,Z + 0.155) * CFrame.Angles(0,angle + math.rad(4.5),0) angle = angle + math.rad(4.5) X = X + 0.13 Z = Z + 0.155 wait(0.005) slow = 1 else door.CanCollide = true open = open + 1 slow = 0 wait(0.05) break end end elseif rotate == -90 then -- -90 degrees while true do if angle < angleend and endZ > Z then door.CanCollide = false door.CFrame = - 0.145,Y,Z + 0.13) * CFrame.Angles(0,angle + math.rad(4.5),0) angle = angle + math.rad(4.5) X = X - 0.145 Z = Z + 0.13 wait(0.005) slow = 1 else door.CanCollide = true open = open + 1 slow = 0 wait(0.05) break end end end end end elseif InputObject.KeyCode == Enum.KeyCode.E and open == 1 then local doormodel = v v = doormodel local door = doormodel.Part local X = door.Position.X local endX = X - 2.9 local Y = door.Position.Y local Z = door.Position.Z local Z2 = Z local endZ = Z + 2.6 local rotate = door.Orientation.Y local angle = math.rad(rotate) local angle2 = math.rad(rotate) local angleend = angle + math.rad(90) if math.ceil((door.Position - player.Character.Head.Position).Magnitude) <= 10 then if rotate == 90 then -- 0 degrees while true do if angle > angle2 and Z2 < Z then door.CanCollide = true door.CFrame = - 0.13,Y,Z - 0.155) * CFrame.Angles(0,angle - math.rad(4.5),0) angle = angle - math.rad(4.5) X = X - 0.13 Z = Z - 0.155 slow = 1 wait(0.005) else open = open -1 slow = 0 wait(0.05) break end end elseif rotate == 0 then -- -90 degress while true do if angle > angle2 and Z2 < Z then door.CanCollide = true door.CFrame = + 0.145,Y,Z - 0.13) * CFrame.Angles(0,angle - math.rad(4.5),0) angle = angle - math.rad(4.5) X = X + 0.145 Z = Z - 0.13 wait(0.005) slow = 1 else open = open - 1 slow = 0 wait(0.05) break end end end end end end end end UserInputService.InputBegan:Connect(onInputBegan)
I would like to elaborate on what Killerbot72 said, except you can change values from a local script. But if you get the value on the server, it will return something else.
Your issue is that on line 8, you said the following:
local open =
This code returned the current value, not the actual object. By this I mean you were just changing the variable, so when you said this:
open = open + 1
You weren't adding on the value's value. You were adding to number variable that wasn't changing anything else.
The fix is that on line 8, put:
local open =
And then, on line 38, put:
open.Value = open.Value + 1
If you refrenced open anywhere else in the script, make sure you are doing your comparisons using open.Value, not open
Hope this helped!
You can't change values with a local script by itself. So you MUST use remote events
this might help
for example if you wanted to change a value when a player clicks a textbutton you will have to put a RemoteEvent in ReplicatedStorage.
and in the local script inside of the text button you would have to write
script.Parent.MouseButton1Click:Connect(function() game.ReplicatedStorage.RemoteEvent:FireServer() end)
and then in a server script you would write
game.ReplicatedStorage.RemoteEvent.OnServerEvent:Connect(function(player) player.leaderstats.Cash.Value = player.leaderstats.Cash.Value +1 end)