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Tool saving script only loaded tools once? [FIXED]

Asked by
Jac_00b 157
4 years ago
Edited 4 years ago

So, I followed a yt tutorial on how to make a tool saving script. The first time I tried loading the tools it worked normally, but the 2nd time I played the game the script broke. Does anybody know how to fix this? Here's the script:

01local dss = game:GetService("DataStoreService")
02local toolsDS = dss:GetDataStore("ToolsData")
04local toolsFolder = game.ServerStorage.ToolsFolder
08    local toolsSaved = toolsDS:GetAsync(plr.UserId .. "-tools") or {}
10    for i, toolSaved in pairs(toolsSaved) do
12        if toolsFolder:FindFirstChild(toolSaved) then
14            toolsFolder[toolSaved]:Clone().Parent = plr.Backpack
15            toolsFolder[toolSaved]:Clone().Parent = plr.StarterGear
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Also, I would like to address some common questions you may ask: 1. API Services are enabled. 2. I tested it both in studio and in the real game. 3. There are no errors in the output. 4. I can tell the problem is with loading the tools because when I stop the game in the output it says "DataStore request was added to queue. If request queue fills, further requests will be dropped. Try sending fewer requests.Key = 178628425-tools", meaning that it saved properly.

So if anybody could help I would really appreciate it!

UPDATE: If you have 2 tools in your inventory, 1 of them will save Jac_00b 157 — 4y
Update 2: Its keeping only 1 item saved, not any others though Jac_00b 157 — 4y
It randomly started working. Jac_00b 157 — 4y
...And it stopped working again. oof Jac_00b 157 — 4y

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Answered by
Jac_00b 157
4 years ago

So, it turns out if you clone the tool from workspace, it doesn't work. If you clone the tool from the tools folder, the autosave feature works.


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