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I need to see if this script is efficient and if there if a way to improve it?

Asked by 4 years ago

This is my script, I'm trying to make this the most optimized I can.

2    if not(t.Locked)then
3        t:Destroy()
4    end

this is a giant area covering the lobby of the map, we have a a building feature and I don't want anyone building in the lobby.

Then use a Boolean to disable the building feature. If it is integrated into a Tool, then simply remove it from their inventory. Ziffixture 6913 — 4y

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Answered by 4 years ago

Like what Feahren said use a Boolean value and if its a tool remove it from their inventory. If you don't want anyone building in the lobby then you can enable the feature once they get teleported to a map. You can do this by simply using remote events or functions.


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