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Why does my String pattern cut off numbers ?

Asked by
Velibor 20
10 years ago

For some reason my numbers are cut off in the fellow example. If someone knows what is causing this, or has a better pattern please share.

function Split(String, Pattern)
local Res       =   {}

for Query in string.gmatch(String, Pattern) do
table.insert(Res, Query)

return Res

local Table = Split('Hello world > User_-1', '[^.->]+')

for i,v in pairs(Table) do

Output :

  • Hello world
  • User_-

Should be:

  • Hello world
  • User_-1

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Answered by
BlueTaslem 18071 Moderation Voter Administrator Community Moderator Super Administrator
10 years ago

Hyphens in character sets in pattern matching indicate ranges of characters, for example "[A-Z]" would mean any capital letter.

It happens to be that . precedes the numbers and is followed by < = >, causing your problem.

Move the hyphen to the end or beginning of the range and it will indicate that it is a normal hyphen and not indicating a character range.

Though it also seems just "[^>]" would be sufficient, though I'm not exactly sure what you're trying to do here because you haven't explained.

Your snippet also has an unnecessary do on line 1.


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