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There is a problem with my tool equip animation disable?

Asked by 4 years ago

My script works but the tool keeps on falling off. I thought of putting in a weld that attaches the tool to the charters right arm but i don't know how to do it. If you decide to help me, i would like you to explain so that i know how to do this next time but you don't have to.

my script just encase you find a different solution than using weld

    script.Parent.Handle.Name = "Hndl"

    script.Parent.Handle.Name = "Handle"

2 answers

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Answered by 4 years ago

Don't Rename The Tool Via Script. Just Rename The Handle Via Workspace And Name It "Handle". <--- Exactly That

I agree with CoolMcroy. Just keep the handle's name to Handle and don't make any name changes with scripts, make sure the Handle isn't anchored, too. RazzyPlayz 497 — 4y
but the thing is im trying to disable the hand up animation so that my running animation does not look weird. CrownedFigure 45 — 4y
make a custom animation for the tool LaysCo 61 — 4y
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Answered by 4 years ago
Edited 4 years ago

Name a part handle, Unanchor, then there you have it! If you want to change the toolgrip, I recommend using a plugin.

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