I've worked on this script and I can't figure out whats wrong with it, the print line dosen't print anything into output and the value when it increases, it should change the transparency and print in output "Unstable Condition" but its not doing either.
EDIT: Realised I missed a bit of code ._.
while true do wait(0) if game.Workspace.Temp.Value < 1023 then workspace.Screen1.criticalcondition.Transparency = 1 workspace.Screen1.meltdown.Transparency = 1 workspace.Screen1.unstablecondition.Transparency = 1 workspace.Screen1.goodcondition = 0 -- here is what i messed up lol print("Condition Good") elseif game.Workspace.Temp.Value > 1023 and game.Workspace.Temp.Value < 2061 then workspace.Screen1.criticalcondition.Transparency = 1 workspace.Screen1.meltdown.Transparency = 1 workspace.Screen1.unstablecondition.Transparency = 0 workspace.Screen1.goodcondition = 1 --and here print("Unstable Condition") elseif game.Workspace.Temp.Value > 2062 and game.Workspace.Temp.Value < 3999 then workspace.Screen1.criticalcondition.Transparency = 0 workspace.Screen1.meltdown.Transparency = 1 workspace.Screen1.unstablecondition.Transparency = 1 workspace.Screen1.goodcondition = 1 --and here print("Critical Condition") elseif game.Workspace.Temp.Value > 3999 and game.Workspace.Temp.Value < 99999999999999999999999999 then workspace.Screen1.criticalcondition.Transparency = 1 workspace.Screen1.meltdown.Transparency = 0 workspace.Screen1.unstablecondition.Transparency = 1 workspace.Screen1.goodcondition = 1 --and here print("Meltdown") end end
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