My part of my script here is supposed to use a gridsize of 2 and it is oriented correctly but when you move the part it out aligns the part with the grid on the floor is there a way to make the part aligned with a vector?? or Cframe??? Please help if you can!
local RunService = game:GetService("RunService") local UIS = game:GetService("UserInputService") local Player = game.Players.LocalPlayer local Char = Player.Character or Player.CharacterAdded:Wait() local Mouse = Player:GetMouse() local Camera = workspace.CurrentCamera local PlaceObject = game.ReplicatedStorage.BuildEvents.PlaceObject local GivenPlot = game.ReplicatedStorage.BuildEvents.GivenPlot local PlaceObject = game.ReplicatedStorage.BuildEvents.PlaceObject local posX local posY local posZ local YPos =, 75, 0) local Rot = 0 local Object local Plot local PlotO local ButtonObject = script.Parent.ScrollingFrame.Soil.ImageButton local CanStart = true IsPlacing = nil local CanPlace = nil GivenPlot.OnClientEvent:Connect(function(plt) Plot = plt.Name pltPX = plt.Position.X pltPY = plt.Position.Y pltPZ = plt.Position.Z PlotO = plt.Orientation PlotX = PlotO.X PlotY = PlotO.Y PlotZ = PlotO.Z end) local function Placement() if IsPlacing and CanPlace then PlaceObject:FireServer(posX, posY, posZ, Rot, Object.Name, PlotX, PlotY, PlotZ) IsPlacing = false CanPlace = false CanStart = true Object:Destroy() end end local function TopDownView() if IsPlacing then local playerPos = Char:FindFirstChild("HumanoidRootPart").Position local cameraPos = playerPos + YPos Camera.CFrame =, playerPos) end end local function Movement() if IsPlacing and CanPlace and not CanStart and Mouse.Target and Mouse.Target.Name == Plot then Mouse.TargetFilter = Object posX = math.floor(Mouse.Hit.X / 2 + 0.5)*2 posY = math.floor(Mouse.Hit.Y / 2 + 0.5)*2 - 1 posZ = math.floor(Mouse.Hit.Z / 2 + 0.5)*2 Object:SetPrimaryPartCFrame(Object.PrimaryPart.CFrame:Lerp(, posY, posZ) * CFrame.Angles(0, math.rad(Rot), 0), 0.2)) Object.PrimaryPart.Orientation = (, PlotY, PlotZ)) else return Mouse.Hit.p end end local function StartPlacementSoil() if CanStart then Object = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").Soil:Clone() Object.Parent = workspace Mouse.Move:Connect(Movement) IsPlacing = true CanPlace = true CanStart = false Mouse.Move:Connect(Movement) end end local function StartPlacement(obj) if CanStart then Object = game.ReplicatedStorage:FindFirstChild(obj):Clone() Object.Parent = workspace IsPlacing = true CanPlace = true CanStart = false end end local function Rotation(input, GPE) if IsPlacing and CanPlace and not CanStart and input.KeyCode == Enum.KeyCode.R then Rot = Rot + 90 Object:SetPrimaryPartCFrame(Object.PrimaryPart.CFrame * CFrame.Angles(0, math.rad(Rot), 0)) end end Mouse.Button1Down:Connect(Placement) ButtonObject.MouseButton1Click:Connect(function() StartPlacement("Soil") end) RunService:BindToRenderStep("Input", Enum.RenderPriority.Input.Value, Movement) UIS.InputBegan:Connect(Rotation)