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how do I end the endless suffering of this repeat?

Asked by 3 years ago
local rep = game:GetService(“ReplicatedStorage”)
local playingCount = rep:WaitForChild(“playingCount”)
local Status = rep:WaitForChild(“Status”)

while true do
    Status.Value = “waiting...”

    repeat wait(1) until playingCount.Value > 0

    Status.Value = “starting...”

playingCount is an intValue in replicatedstorage. I have it so that the click of a GUI button will increase playingCount by 1. I checked the value manually, it does increase. but the “repeat wait(1) until ...” never stops waiting(1).

to test it out, i did this:

repeat print(playingCount.Value) wait(1) until playingCount.Value > 0

and despite the value actually being 1, the script variable remains 0

how fix? need 2 fix. am not know how fix. thx

The code is always going to repeat until playingCount.Value is greater than 0. By the way, wrong quotes. raid6n 2196 — 3y
playingCount.Value is greater than 0. I manually change it in the inspector thing Spiritlotus 151 — 3y
Do you change the value in this code or another code? raid6n 2196 — 3y
i change the value of the intValue in another code. but playingCount is the reference of the value I change Spiritlotus 151 — 3y

1 answer

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Answered by 3 years ago

If this is in a Server Script, you will need to use Remote Events. Changes made by the client aren't replicated to the server, therefore if you change it in the explorer or have a local script change the value, the Server won't know. You can add a remote event in Replicated Storage. When you click a button, the remote event will :FireServer(), then have a Server Script wait for the event to fire, then do the actions.Also I do not recommend putting a repeat until inside of while true do. The while true do is useless here becuase I'm assumming this code will only run until the value is bigger than 0.

havnt tried this yet (i will later) but it sounds correct so ill accept lol. thank you very much, forgot about needing to do that. also im tryna make a minigame that repeats so thats what the while loop is for Spiritlotus 151 — 3y

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