I have been doing this for weeks now and i haven't found a answer. Im basically trying to make a fortnite item shop were you can get "Characters" to wear when you buy it, in this case a gamepass. The "StarterCharacter" im trying to make as a skin in the shop is called "RedSkin" but i the script i use does nothing. I also have "default character/StarterCharacter" but i dont think that could be affecting the script because its in starterplay and the script should replace thats users default into the Redskin
current script i use
local GamepassId = 10797682 local MarketplaceService = game:GetService("MarketplaceService") local GamepassStarterCharacter = game.ReplicatedStorage.RedSkin local Gamepassfunction = function(plr) local Character = plr.Character or ("GamepassSkins") if MarketplaceService:UserOwnsGamePassAsync(plr.UserId,GamepassId) then plr:LoadCharacter(GamepassStarterCharacter.Humanoid) else print("Doesn't Own") end end game.Players.PlayerAdded:Connect(function(plr) local error,succ = pcall(function() Gamepassfunction(plr) end) if error then print("Nope, No Luck") elseif not error then print("Did") end end)
new to scripting btw