I want to apply a force to a part once it get touched by a player tool, so here's my script:
local function onTouch (part) print (part.Parent) local player = part.Parent.Parent print (player.Name) if player then local humanoid = player:FindFirstChild("Humanoid") if humanoid then local direction = humanoid.MoveDirection print ('X: ' .. tostring(direction.X)) print ('Z: ' .. tostring(direction.Z)) print ('Magnitude: ' .. tostring(direction.Magnitude)) end end end
There's no error with the script, moveDirection is always returning 0,0 for X and Z doesn't matter from where I touch this part.
I expected X and Z to have values which would help me to define the force direction.
What am I doing wrong? Thanks
MoveDirection doesn't replicate, so you can only view the MoveDirection for your local player.