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How to randomise Character using Starter Character or Any other ideas?

Asked by 4 years ago

So I am messing around with an idea I had and I want to make it so every time you die your character changes between the four characters that I have in RepStorage.

I have a basic idea of I have to use Math.Random and put it into StarterPlayer and name it starter Character but I am not too great using Math.Random so I am not sure what I would do here or where to put the scripts.

If someone could help me out that'd be great!

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Answered by
SteamG00B 1633 Moderation Voter
4 years ago

I was about to answer this when cloudflare got hit, but anyway, it's given me time to think about this, and I believe the best way to do it is as follows:

So in rep storage, you have 4 character models, all named "StarterCharacter", keep them in a folder named something like Characters. Then in your script, do something like this:

(this is mostly pseudocode, you will have to polish it to your specifications)

1local chars = RepStorage.Characters:GetChildren()
3    plr.CharacterAdded:Connect(function(char)
4        StarterPlayer.StarterCharacter:Destroy()
5        chars[math.random(1,4)]:Clone().Parent = StarterPlayer
6    end

So you get a table of all the characters using getchildren, and then when a player's character loads in, you destroy the old one and get a new model in so that it preps it for the next time the character loads in. This way you don't need to handle anything with loading the character in yourself.

Where do you put the script? User#36987 0 — 4y
Thanks (: SyncSim 4 — 4y
Jonny, I never provided a script, that is only pseudocode, anyway, where you put your scripts should never change. Always keep them in server scripts. It's there for a reason. SteamG00B 1633 — 4y

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