I am at a loss here. It looks fine to me.
I should know how to fix simple issues like this, but I am lost.
I am getting an error for something that should be somewhat simple. Can someone please point out the possible issue. I have fooled around with this for a bit now and cannot figure out the problem.
1 | for x = 100 , x > 85 , - 5 do |
2 | game.StarterGui.Rain.Dark.BackgroundTransparency = x / 100 |
3 | end |
The error:
22:22:31.718 - ServerScriptService.Rain:6: attempt to compare number with nil
The second part of the for loop is the "end number", it's not supposed to be an expression like x > 85.
Try this instead:
1 | for x = 100 , 85 , - 5 do |
More info on for loops on the wiki: http://wiki.roblox.com/index.php?title=For_loop#For
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