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Remove the Menu/Settings GUI In the bottom left corner?

Asked by 10 years ago

I have no idea how to get rid of this. I need to get rid of this so it doesn't get in the way of my filmin in the BLOXY Awards contest. Please and thank you.

2 answers

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Answered by
User#2 0
10 years ago

It is technically possible to get rid of the menu in the bottom left corner. All you must do is rename the Players service.

Do note, though, this will break everything else. When changing the players service name, the following scripts error:

Animate: The character will still animate, but chat emotes ("/e emote") will not work.

Health: There will be no HealthGUI.

MainBotChatScript: This is a CoreScript. I assume this CoreScript manages the Dialog object's function. I didn't test this one, but I assume that dialog will be broken upon changing the Players service name.

NotificationScript: This is a CoreScript. All I can think of this would be it is what says "{NAME} sent you a friend request!" in-game.

ChatScript: This is a CoreScript. This handles the chat gui and the chatbar. This means you will have neither.

PlayerListScript: This is a CoreScript. This practically completely breaks the PlayerList. The only problem is the gui is there, but it only shows your player's name. It doesn't function at all, and I doubt it is removable, even with SetCoreGuiEnabled.

Settings: This is a CoreScript. This is the script you wanted to get rid of, and it worked. The onlything that still remains is a "Leave" button on the top left corner, identical to the one from around 2011-2012 (for those of you there at that time).

Screenshot of the game after Players service has been renamed: -- Note: I did remove my player's character, that does spawn normally.

Why does this happen? All these scripts use game.Players to do one thing or another. The problem here, though, is Players isn't named "Players" anymore. And, unlike Workspace which is a property of game (DataModel), no other service is. This can be fixed using the GetService method of game, and providing "Players" as the only argument.

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Answered by
Teeter11 281 Moderation Voter
10 years ago

You can't.

Wouldn't SetCoreGuiEnabled("All", false) work? Freemium 110 — 10y
That removes the players backpack, playerlist,health and chat. Teeter11 281 — 10y

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