Hello I am making a stunlock system for my roblox game, I have tried 2 different ways Way 1. Was running a function in a module
function module.stun(HIT) print(HIT.Stun.Value) HIT.Humanoid.WalkSpeed = 0 HIT.Humanoid.JumpPower = 0 HIT.Stun.Value = true print("stun2") wait(0.3) print("stun") HIT.Humanoid.WalkSpeed = 10 HIT.Humanoid.JumpPower = 50 HIT.Stun.Value = false print(HIT.Stun.Value) end
It DOES print "stun2" and the first stun value but it does not print "stun" or second stun.value
Way 2. Was in a server script,
coroutine.wrap(function() eneH.Parent.Stun.Value = true print("poop2") wait(0.4) print("poop") eneH.Parent.Stun.Value = false end)() end
It prints poop2 but not poop there are no errors in the output.