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How do i make a simple placement system?

Asked by 4 years ago

So I have been looking on to this for a while but I want to make a placement system like Work at a Pizza Place with plot's and datastores but I just can't do it.......

Anybody have a tutorial on how to make a simple placement system?

Also I don't really want a grid placement system

This is not a request site. Ask about questions that are script related. Diamo_YT 68 — 4y
Not trying to be rude but Diamond is right. Also if you look hard enough, you will find it. I have come across plenty of placement systems open sourced if you search for it on google. ImTrev 344 — 4y
Sorry ya'll i'm new to this website! KadenBloxYT 135 — 4y

2 answers

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Answered by 4 years ago
Edited 4 years ago

You can use mouse.Hit.Position.

mouse.Hit.Position returns an x, y, z value so you can then fire a remote event or make a new part to "spawn" a part there. here's an example:

1local mouse = game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer:GetMouse()
4    local position = mouse.Hit.Position
5"Part", workspace).Position = position

there you go! theres an example of how to make blocks at a position. I have made a game like this, so if you still need assistance, reply!

Hi, thanks for the help. If you don't mind may i get some assistance. I will mark the post as solved for now! KadenBloxYT 135 — 4y
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Answered by 4 years ago

EgoMoose has already explained this in one of his blogs!

Hi, Yes I have seen this before, I don't really want that though. Thanks for taking your time to answer my question though :-) KadenBloxYT 135 — 4y

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