I've found a 4 year old scripting helpers post that says how to, but I have a problem.
You can go this link to learn more information about it: http://wiki.roblox.com/index.php?title=API:Class/ContentProvider/Preload I hope this helps.
Now, this is a part from the solution of the question. And when I went to the link, it says it's deprecated. I saw PreloadAsync is the replacement, but I am not sure how I would use it, so when you're making a response, please provide an example, because I am very confused about how to use it. I've also seen the example in the PreloadAsync page, but I am still confused. Anyways that's all!
The PreloadAsync function loads multiple decals at once rather then the old Preload which in tern only loaded the decals 1 by 1
I've re-written the code from the PreloadAsync page from the page you specified, Hopefully its a little clearer on how to use the new Async preload function.
Note: the table below in the code isn't required to use PreloadAsync function its just a way to set a flag (true/false) when the decal has loaded or not you can use a simple table like:
local ContentProvider = game:GetService("ContentProvider") local Decals = { "rbxassetid://1234561", "rbxassetid://1234562" } local function getStatus(contentId, status) if(status == Enum.AssetFetchStatus.Success) then print(contentId.." Loaded!") end end ContentProvider:PreloadAsync(Decals , getStatus)
Might be a better format:
local ContentProvider = game:GetService("ContentProvider") local Decals = { { DecalID = "rbxassetid://1234561", Loaded = false }, { DecalID = "rbxassetid://1234565", Loaded = false } } local DecTble = {} for k,v in pairs(Decals) do DecTble[k] = v.DecalID end local function getStatus(contentId, status,Table) if(status == Enum.AssetFetchStatus.Success) then Table.Loaded = true end end for k,v in pairs(Decals) do ContentProvider:PreloadAsync(DecTble, function(contentId, status) getStatus(contentId, status,v) end) end for k,v in pairs(Decals) do print("[",k,"] Decal = [",v.DecalID,"] Loaded = [",v.Loaded,"]") end
Hope this helps! :)