So this isn't a really urgent question but I have this trello bans thing with loging to discord via webhooks, here is an image of it. image. As you can see, the last 2 messages say 'Game' instead of the actual game name (ban list testing). How I tried to find the game name was by what I and probably a lot of other people would assume; game.Name
is how you get it, so I double checked in studio by running the command print(game.Name)
to which the response is 'Place1'. There is 3 different outputs, why and what is a good alternative to game.Name if any.
Yes there is game.Name works im pritty sure
edit : didnt realise you tested it sorry!
another edit : "script.Parent.Text = "Game Name : ".. game.Name" does work so use this!
btw your game has to be published!