I have a script that fades in and out some text...
waittime = 0.1 script.Parent.LoadText.Text = "Test" for i = 1,0,-0.1 do wait(waittime) script.Parent.LoadText.TextTransparency = i end
This script works perfectly, but because it increments by -0.1 its not smooth. So I decided to do this:
waittime = 0.01 script.Parent.LoadText.Text = "Test" for i = 1,0,-0.01 do wait(waittime) script.Parent.LoadText.TextTransparency = i end for i = 0,1,0.01 do wait(waittime) script.Parent.LoadText.TextTransparency = i end
Wait time is now 0.01 and it increments by -0.01. I assumed this would make the fading smoother and it does... except it takes forever and gets stuck at 0.01 transparency when it fades back out. This is undesirable because you can still see the text in the background after its faded away. Whats going on here? Can anyone help?
Try that out, it work fine for me when I tested it. Just set the transparency, after a loop.
script.Parent.LoadText.Text = "Test" for i = 1, 0, -0.05 do wait() script.Parent.LoadText.TextTransparency = i end script.Parent.LoadText.TextTransparency = 0 for i = 0, 1, 0.05 do wait() script.Parent.LoadText.TextTransparency = i end script.Parent.LoadText.TextTransparency = 1
I also made a few changes, so it still is mooth and it doesn't take forever due to "local lag"