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How can i get this script to work so that the mob goes to this point when it reaches 0 walk speed?

Asked by 4 years ago

am making a rpg where the mob goes back to its normal position when he is done following you, so he would stop moving and go back

this is the code

local monster = game.Workspace.Grass_Monster1
local Humanoid = monster.Humanoid

local pointA = game.Workspace.PointA

if Humanoid.WalkSpeed == 0 then
    Humanoid:MoveTo(266.565, 2.045, 814.35)

Grass_Monster1 is the mob am trying to move to this 266.565, 2.045, 814.35 position when he is not moving.

You cannot move an NPC or player if their walkspeed is 0. They won't move... This also does not seem to be in a loop of any sorts. So this will only check the condition once. PURGATORYAGENT_1 43 — 4y

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Answered by 4 years ago

You cant move NPC's with 0 walkspeed. They just dont move.

nononon, what i meant is, when they reach 0 walk speed, so when they stop chasing the player, they start walking back to the position of whey they originally where amathebeastlol -7 — 4y
oh, i just realised the problem, sorry am dumb lol amathebeastlol -7 — 4y
Is there a way i could calculate the distance between the mob and the player and if the player is further then a certain point the mob would go back, is that possible? or is there a simpler way amathebeastlol -7 — 4y

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