I'm making a freecam script that moves with WASD, everything works fine but the MoveCamera
function in my script is only made to move relative to the world space, I want to make the camera move relative to where the camera is looking at (just like how studio camera mouvements are based on where you look at). But the problem with that is I don't know how to make the camera move relative to where it's looking at so that's why I came here for help, I would really appreciate it if someone would help me with this :slight_smile: anyways here is the function that controls how my camera move each time you hold a key moves:
local function MoveCamera(x,y,z,positive) --print("Move!") x = x > 0 and x + FCspeed or 0 y = y > 0 and x + FCspeed or 0 z = z > 0 and x + FCspeed or 0 local CameraPos = Camera.CFrame.p local MoveVector = Vector3.new(x,y,z) local Directionvector = Camera.CFrame + MoveVector local CF = positive == false and Camera.CFrame - MoveVector or Camera.CFrame + MoveVector Camera.CFrame = CF FCspeed = FCspeed + 0.001 FCspeed = math.clamp(FCspeed, 0.001, 0.5) LastMouvementCall = tick() SERVICES.RUN_SERVICE.RenderStepped:Wait() end
And here is the full script:
local FCspeed,LastMouvementCall = 0.001 ,tick() local function FreecamControl(_,State,InputINFO) local function MoveCamera(x,y,z,positive) --print("Move!") x = x > 0 and x + FCspeed or 0 y = y > 0 and x + FCspeed or 0 z = z > 0 and x + FCspeed or 0 local CameraPos = Camera.CFrame.p local MoveVector = Vector3.new(x,y,z) local Directionvector = Camera.CFrame + MoveVector local CF = positive == false and Camera.CFrame - MoveVector or Camera.CFrame + MoveVector Camera.CFrame = CF FCspeed = FCspeed + 0.001 FCspeed = math.clamp(FCspeed, 0.001, 0.5) LastMouvementCall = tick() SERVICES.RUN_SERVICE.RenderStepped:Wait() end if InputINFO.KeyCode == Freecam_Controls.KEYBOARD.W then while SERVICES.USER_INPUT_SERVICE:IsKeyDown(Freecam_Controls.KEYBOARD.W) do MoveCamera(0,0,.1,false) end elseif InputINFO.KeyCode == Freecam_Controls.KEYBOARD.A then while SERVICES.USER_INPUT_SERVICE:IsKeyDown(Freecam_Controls.KEYBOARD.A) do MoveCamera(.075,0,0,false) end elseif InputINFO.KeyCode == Freecam_Controls.KEYBOARD.D then while SERVICES.USER_INPUT_SERVICE:IsKeyDown(Freecam_Controls.KEYBOARD.D) do MoveCamera(.075,0,0,true) end elseif InputINFO.KeyCode == Freecam_Controls.KEYBOARD.S then while SERVICES.USER_INPUT_SERVICE:IsKeyDown(Freecam_Controls.KEYBOARD.S) do MoveCamera(0,0,.075,true) end elseif InputINFO.KeyCode == Freecam_Controls.KEYBOARD.LIFT then while SERVICES.USER_INPUT_SERVICE:IsKeyDown(Freecam_Controls.KEYBOARD.LIFT) do MoveCamera(0,.075,0,true) end elseif InputINFO.KeyCode == Freecam_Controls.KEYBOARD.DOWN then while SERVICES.USER_INPUT_SERVICE:IsKeyDown(Freecam_Controls.KEYBOARD.DOWN) do MoveCamera(0,.075,0,false) end end end local function HeartBeat() if PlayerState:lower() == "freecam" then if tick() - LastMouvementCall >= .1 and FCspeed > 0.001 then FCspeed = FCspeed - 0.001 print(FCspeed) end Camera.CameraType = Enum.CameraType.Scriptable --print("eeee") SERVICES.CS:BindAction("Freecam_W", FreecamControl, false, Freecam_Controls.KEYBOARD.W) SERVICES.CS:BindAction("Freecam_A", FreecamControl, false, Freecam_Controls.KEYBOARD.A) SERVICES.CS:BindAction("Freecam_D", FreecamControl, false, Freecam_Controls.KEYBOARD.D) SERVICES.CS:BindAction("Freecam_S", FreecamControl, false, Freecam_Controls.KEYBOARD.S) SERVICES.CS:BindAction("Freecam_^", FreecamControl, false, Freecam_Controls.KEYBOARD.LIFT) SERVICES.CS:BindAction("Freecam_|", FreecamControl, false, Freecam_Controls.KEYBOARD.DOWN) else SERVICES.CS:UnbindAction("Freecam_W") SERVICES.CS:UnbindAction("Freecam_A") SERVICES.CS:UnbindAction("Freecam_D") SERVICES.CS:UnbindAction("Freecam_S") SERVICES.CS:UnbindAction("Freecam_^") SERVICES.CS:UnbindAction("Freecam_|") end end
Try using LookVector.