I want to remove the chat logs (so you can't see previous text) but I still want to be able to chat. How do I achieve that?
You want to remove the Chat Box in the top left corner but keep the chat bubble? It's annoying that Roblox removed that feature but what you want to do is:
--- Replace with true/false to force the chat type. Otherwise this will default to the setting on the website. module.BubbleChatEnabled = PlayersService.BubbleChat module.ClassicChatEnabled = PlayersService.ClassicChat
Then delete "PlayerService.BubbleChat" and "PlayerService.ClassicChat" and put true for bubble chat and false for ClassicChat
I hope this is what you meant. If this is still complicated here is the ChatSettings script
-- // FileName: ChatSettings.lua -- // Written by: Xsitsu -- // Description: Settings module for configuring different aspects of the chat window. local PlayersService = game:GetService("Players") local ChatService = game:GetService("Chat") local clientChatModules = script.Parent local ChatConstants = require(clientChatModules:WaitForChild("ChatConstants")) local module = {} ---[[ Chat Behaviour Settings ]] module.WindowDraggable = false module.WindowResizable = false module.ShowChannelsBar = false module.GamepadNavigationEnabled = false module.AllowMeCommand = false -- Me Command will only be effective when this set to true module.ShowUserOwnFilteredMessage = true --Show a user the filtered version of their message rather than the original. -- Make the chat work when the top bar is off module.ChatOnWithTopBarOff = false module.ScreenGuiDisplayOrder = 6 -- The DisplayOrder value for the ScreenGui containing the chat. module.ShowFriendJoinNotification = true -- Show a notification in the chat when a players friend joins the game. --- Replace with true/false to force the chat type. Otherwise this will default to the setting on the website. module.BubbleChatEnabled = true module.ClassicChatEnabled = false ---[[ Chat Text Size Settings ]] module.ChatWindowTextSize = 18 module.ChatChannelsTabTextSize = 18 module.ChatBarTextSize = 18 module.ChatWindowTextSizePhone = 14 module.ChatChannelsTabTextSizePhone = 18 module.ChatBarTextSizePhone = 14 ---[[ Font Settings ]] module.DefaultFont = Enum.Font.SourceSansBold module.ChatBarFont = Enum.Font.SourceSansBold ----[[ Color Settings ]] module.BackGroundColor = Color3.new(0, 0, 0) module.DefaultMessageColor = Color3.new(1, 1, 1) module.DefaultNameColor = Color3.new(1, 1, 1) module.ChatBarBackGroundColor = Color3.new(0, 0, 0) module.ChatBarBoxColor = Color3.new(1, 1, 1) module.ChatBarTextColor = Color3.new(0, 0, 0) module.ChannelsTabUnselectedColor = Color3.new(0, 0, 0) module.ChannelsTabSelectedColor = Color3.new(30/255, 30/255, 30/255) module.DefaultChannelNameColor = Color3.fromRGB(35, 76, 142) module.WhisperChannelNameColor = Color3.fromRGB(102, 14, 102) module.ErrorMessageTextColor = Color3.fromRGB(245, 50, 50) ---[[ Window Settings ]] module.MinimumWindowSize = UDim2.new(0.3, 0, 0.25, 0) module.MaximumWindowSize = UDim2.new(1, 0, 1, 0) -- if you change this to be greater than full screen size, weird things start to happen with size/position bounds checking. module.DefaultWindowPosition = UDim2.new(0, 0, 0, 0) local extraOffset = (7 * 2) + (5 * 2) -- Extra chatbar vertical offset module.DefaultWindowSizePhone = UDim2.new(0.5, 0, 0.5, extraOffset) module.DefaultWindowSizeTablet = UDim2.new(0.4, 0, 0.3, extraOffset) module.DefaultWindowSizeDesktop = UDim2.new(0.3, 0, 0.25, extraOffset) ---[[ Fade Out and In Settings ]] module.ChatWindowBackgroundFadeOutTime = 3.5 --Chat background will fade out after this many seconds. module.ChatWindowTextFadeOutTime = 30 --Chat text will fade out after this many seconds. module.ChatDefaultFadeDuration = 0.8 module.ChatShouldFadeInFromNewInformation = false module.ChatAnimationFPS = 20.0 ---[[ Channel Settings ]] module.GeneralChannelName = "All" -- You can set to nil to turn off echoing to a general channel. module.EchoMessagesInGeneralChannel = true -- Should messages to channels other than general be echoed into the general channel. -- Setting this to false should be used with ShowChannelsBar module.ChannelsBarFullTabSize = 4 -- number of tabs in bar before it starts to scroll module.MaxChannelNameLength = 12 --// Although this feature is pretty much ready, it needs some UI design still. module.RightClickToLeaveChannelEnabled = false module.MessageHistoryLengthPerChannel = 50 -- Show the help text for joining and leaving channels. This is not useful unless custom channels have been added. -- So it is turned off by default. module.ShowJoinAndLeaveHelpText = false ---[[ Message Settings ]] module.MaximumMessageLength = 200 module.DisallowedWhiteSpace = {"\n", "\r", "\t", "\v", "\f"} module.ClickOnPlayerNameToWhisper = true module.ClickOnChannelNameToSetMainChannel = true module.BubbleChatMessageTypes = {ChatConstants.MessageTypeDefault, ChatConstants.MessageTypeWhisper} ---[[ Misc Settings ]] module.WhisperCommandAutoCompletePlayerNames = true --[[ Display Names ]] --Uses DisplayNames instead of UserNames in chat messages module.PlayerDisplayNamesEnabled = false --Allows users to do /w displayName along with /w userName, only works if PlayerDisplayNamesEnabled is 'true' module.WhisperByDisplayName = false local ChangedEvent = Instance.new("BindableEvent") local proxyTable = setmetatable({}, { __index = function(tbl, index) return module[index] end, __newindex = function(tbl, index, value) module[index] = value ChangedEvent:Fire(index, value) end, }) rawset(proxyTable, "SettingsChanged", ChangedEvent.Event) return proxyTable