I tried to make a local variable and i did not work it just gives me a error i tried doing "FindFirstChild" it just says inventory is not a valid member of serverstorage and when i try "Waitforchild" it just do infiniteyield thing I tried normal way "game.ServerStorage.Inventory" samerror at FindFirstChild And When I Try "game:GetService('ServerStorage')" its the same error in FindFirstChild So What Do I Do? Btw
1 | local ServerStorage = Game:GetService( 'ServerStorage' ) |
2 | local inventory = ServerStorage:WaitForChild( 'Inventory' ) |
Thats The Variable Thanks! Its in a local scritpt btw
It's most likely because you are using a LocalScript, the objects inside ServerStorage won't be replicated to the client
so it will always be empty
that's what caused the infinite yield, because it keeps waiting for "Inventory" to exist, but it never will.