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What is self and how can I use this thing called self?

Asked by 4 years ago
Edited 4 years ago

On the devforum, I see that programs typically use something like this:

function CameraModule:LockMouse()
    if self.activeCameraController then
        local mouseLockOffset = self.activeMouseLockController:GetMouseLockOffset()
--This is just an example of someone using the 'self' thing.

If you see this, there is a thing called self. What is self, and what are the practical uses of using self in functions like this? Any help is appreciated!

Search Results Featured snippet from the web Now to answer your question, we use self as a way to access the previous argument called in the function, without passing the argument explicitly. self is notably used in Object Oriented Programming Implementation in Lua. Haker902c 18 — 4y

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Answered by 4 years ago
Edited 4 years ago

Now to answer your question, we use self as a way to access the previous argument called in the function, without passing the argument explicitly. self is notably used in Object Oriented Programming Implementation in Lua.


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