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Is it possible to disable ties on a KO WO leaderboard? How?

Asked by
Irvene 5
10 years ago

How do you disable ties, on a KO WO leaderboard, so if you tie, it won't count it on the leaderboard?

I'm asking this, because it's what I'm wondering about how you'd prevent WOs, and KOs showing up on a leaderboard. Irvene 5 — 10y

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Answered by
Merely 2122 Moderation Voter Community Moderator
10 years ago

First off, are you familiar with the kill tag system? Whenever a tool damages a humanoid, it creates a "tag" ObjectValue in the damaged person's character that refers to the attacker. If a humanoid dies, there is typically a leaderboard script that checks for the kill tag, and increments the Knockouts and Wipeouts.

(More about the kill tag system:

So what you'll need to do is modify the onHumanoidDied function in your leaderboard script to only treat it as a kill if: the killer has a character, and the killer's character's humanoid is alive.

Wow merely, thanks I discovered something new. Also, I'm wondering how you can track both killtags for when both players die, so it doesn't count the points? Even in a lag spike, when another player kills him, and he pauses then kills back. Irvene 5 — 10y

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