This script is uses to remove startergear when i say !end then respawns ALL the characters. The script is broken for some reason but I don't know why? Both the respawn and starttool removed doesn't work.
names = {"GTDRIVER"} -- Add in the names of the people you want to be able to use the command script here.} game.Players.PlayerAdded:connect(function(player) for i, v in pairs(names) do if v == player.Name then player.Chatted:connect(function(chatmsg) if chatmsg:sub(1,4) == "!end" then local tool = chatmsg:sub(5, chatmsg:len()) if game.Players.LocalPlayer ~= nil then game.Players.LocalPlayer.StarterGear:remove() script:remove() end end end) end end end) if msg:lower():sub(1,4) == "!end" then local plrz = GetPlr(plr, msg:lower():sub(5)) for i, v in pairs(plrz) do coroutine.resume(coroutine.create(function() if v and v.Character then v:LoadCharacter() end end)) end end