i am making a ray tracing game and i dont know how i can create a ray to reflect.
Here is my code
local Cache = script.Parent:WaitForChild("Cache") local Player = game.Players.LocalPlayer local Character = Player.Character local PixelSize = 20 local ViewPortSize = Cache.AbsoluteSize local VSX = ViewPortSize.X local VSY = ViewPortSize.Y function CastRay(Origin, Direction, Ray_Length) local R = Ray.new(Origin, Direction * Ray_Length) local Hit, Position, Normal = workspace:FindPartOnRay() return R, Hit, Position, Normal end function Render() for X = 1, VSX do for Y = 1, VSY do local R = Vector2.new(workspace.CurrentCamera:ScreenPointToRay(UDim2.new(0, X, 0, Y))) local R, Hit, Position, Normal = CastRay(R.Origin, R.Direction, 500) print(Hit) if Hit then local RR, HitR, PositionR, NormalR = CastRay(R.Origin, R.Direction, 500) end wait() end wait() end end wait(20) Render()
Reflecting a ray is fairly simple.
To get the reflection angle (Denoted as R) we'll need a surface normal (Denoted as N), which you already have set up it seems, and the incident direction (Denoted as I). Incident direction is basically the angle at which the ray hits the surface, once we have it we can basically just do R = I
. We can use the direction of the ray (Denoted as D) along with cosign to get it, like so:
I = cos(D) * N
This is of coarse only 2D, so we need to do it twice for each axis.
Ix = cos(Dx) * N
Iy = cos(Dy) * N
Since D = I
then you basically have your ray's direction.
Now, time to convert to lua.
local R, Hit, Position, Normal = CastRay(nil, nil, nil) local RR.Direction = cos(R.Direction) * Normal
Or something along the lines of that, modify it for your own use
P.S Very exited to see whatever your working on if it means cool shaders like this, good luck. Also sorry about the response time.
https://ibb.co/VVJQRwb this is the image the magenta lines is a line created between first psotion and reflection position
and this is the new Code
local Cache = script.Parent:WaitForChild("Cache") local Player = game.Players.LocalPlayer local Character = Player.Character local PixelSize = 20 local ViewPortSize = Cache.AbsoluteSize local VSX = ViewPortSize.X local VSY = ViewPortSize.Y local Camera = workspace.CurrentCamera function CastRay(Origin, Direction, Ray_Length) local R = Ray.new(Origin, Direction * Ray_Length) local Hit, Position, Normal = workspace:FindPartOnRay(R) return R, Hit, Position, Normal end function Cos(NumberX) return math.cos(NumberX) end function Render() for X = 0, VSX / PixelSize do for Y = 0, VSY / PixelSize do local F = Instance.new("Frame", Cache) F.Size = UDim2.new(0, PixelSize, 0, PixelSize) F.Position = UDim2.new(0, X * PixelSize, 0, Y * PixelSize) F.BorderSizePixel = 0 local R = Camera:ScreenPointToRay(X * PixelSize, Y * PixelSize) local R, Hit, Position, Normal = CastRay(R.Origin, R.Direction, 500) print(Hit) if Hit then local RR, HitR, PositionR, NormalR = CastRay(Position, Vector3.new(Cos(R.Direction.X), Cos(R.Direction.Y), Cos(R.Direction.Z)) * Normal, 500) local Chance = 10 if Chance == 10 then local Laser = game.ReplicatedStorage.Part:Clone() local M = (Position - PositionR).Magnitude Laser.Parent = workspace Laser.Size = Vector3.new(.1,.1,M) Laser.CFrame = CFrame.new(Position, PositionR) * CFrame.new(0,0,-M / 2) end print(HitR, " ReflectNORMAL") end wait() end wait() end end wait(20) Render()