Why does the tool not activate?
01 | local config = script.Parent:WaitForChild( "Configuration" ) |
02 | local Damage = config.Damage.Value |
03 | local UltimateDamage = config.UltimateDamage.Value |
04 | local UltimateCoolDown = config.UltimateCoolDown.Value |
05 | local CanDoUltimate = false |
07 | local function WaitForUltimate() |
08 | wait(UltimateCoolDown) |
13 | local function NormalAttack() |
17 | local function ActivateUltimate() |
21 | script.Parent.Activated:Connect(NormalAttack) |
23 | local CAS = game:GetService( "ContextActionService" ) |
24 | CAS:BindAction( "UltimateMoveButton" , ActivateUltimate, true , Enum.KeyCode.E) |
the action service thingy works but not the activation.