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How would I make a script to announce MULTIPLE winners?

Asked by 4 years ago

I've mostly figured out how to make a system to announce just one winner, but what about multiple. Background: I am making a minigames game, and different minigames have different types. I am going to explain two types here: Survival and OneSurvival. OneSurvival means that the last person left alive in the minigame will win, and their name will be announced. Survival means that everyone has to survive until the end, and if everyone dies before times up, it will be announced that there are no survivors. However, multiple people can survive in a Survival type minigame. Here is a code snippit:

01function DoGame()
02    local map = workspace.CurrentMap:FindFirstChildWhichIsA("Model")
03    local roundlength = map:FindFirstChild("Time").Value
04    local canwin = true
06    if map:FindFirstChild("Type").Value == "Survival" then
07        message.Value = "Time left: "..roundlength
08        wait(1)
09        repeat
10            roundlength = roundlength - 1
11            message.Value = "Time left: "..roundlength
12        until roundlength == 0 or #workspace.InGame:GetChildren() == 0
13        if #workspace.InGame:GetChildren() == 0 then
14            message.Value = "No one has won :("
15            wait(3)
16        end
17    end

Here's some more context. "InGame" is a folder within the workspace that all players currently playing the minigame are in. I need a line in this script that will announce all the names of the survivors if there are multiple people alive when time is up. If you need more context, ask.

2 answers

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Answered by 4 years ago
Edited 4 years ago

To elaborate on my comment to MrCatDoggo's answer, string concatenation through tables looks like this:

1local t = {}
2for i, c in ipairs(workspace.InGame:GetChildren()) do
3    t[i] = c.Name
5message.Value = "Survivors: " .. table.concat(t, ", ")


  • prefer ipairs over `pairs
  • The second argument to table.concat is what will be placed between the different elements of the table (so in this case it'll say Player1 or Player1, Player2 or Player1, Player2, Player3)
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Answered by 4 years ago

I don't know if theres a quick way to do this, but I'd use this as a work around, in the appropiate place of course:

2    local New ="StringValue", workspace)
4    for i,v in pairs(workspace.InGame:GetChildren()) do
5        New.Value = New.Value .. v.Name .. ", "
6    end
8    message.Value = "The survivors were: " .. New.Value

As said, this is a workaround as idk if theres something you can script manually for this

+1: This is the right idea, though the StringValue is unnecessary and using table concatenation (a bit more advanced) is easier chess123mate 5873 — 4y
Alright then MrCatDoggo 213 — 4y

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