I'm making a music playlist that can shuffle for a friend. I'm trying to figure out how to use a variable from another script, like global variables. I don't know how it works since I'm not that good at scripting. One of the scripts is local, the local script is the script I'm trying to use the variable from the other script. (* if that makes sense.* )
--------------------------------------------------------- -- MUSIC --------------------------------------------------------- while true do local table = { s1, s2, s3, s4, s5 -- the table of the sounds } local Randomizer = math.random(1,#table) -- the function that randomizes the items in the table local Randomed = table[Randomizer] -- this is the value that was chosen from the randomizer print(tostring(Randomed).." is currently playing.") -- prints which song is playing Sound.SoundId = Randomed.SoundId -- transfers the song to the musicplayer Sound:Play() -- plays the sound wait(130) -- waits untill the song is over Sound:Stop() -- stops the sound Sound.SoundId = "http://www.roblox.com/asset/?id=" -- takes out the sound id end
-------------------------------------------------------- -- SONG NAME -------------------------------------------------------- if music.IsPlaying then name = Randomed.SOUND_NAME -- me trying to use the variable from the other script end
I found out an easier way to do it! Thank you for the help but I don't need any more help with this question.
Well, I solved the problem but I didn't use RemoteEvent or Global Variables, it looks like there was an easier way! Here's how I did it ( you don't have to read it all btw ):
Server Script:
--------------------------------------------------------- -- VARIABLES --------------------------------------------------------- local GetSound = game.Workspace.Music_Playlist_v1.Sounds local Sound = Instance.new("Sound") -- creates a new sound to play local name = Instance.new("StringValue") --------------------------------------------------------- -- SONGS --------------------------------------------------------- local s1 = GetSound.Song1 local s2 = GetSound.Song2 local s3 = GetSound.Song3 local s4 = GetSound.Song4 local s5 = GetSound.Song5 -- these are how the script gets the sound to play --------------------------------------------------------- -- PROPERTIES --------------------------------------------------------- Sound.Parent = workspace Sound.Name = "MusicPlayer" name.Parent = Sound name.Name = "SOUND_NAME" --------------------------------------------------------- -- MUSIC --------------------------------------------------------- while true do local table = { s1, s2, s3, s4, s5 -- the table of the sounds } local Randomizer = math.random(1,#table) -- the function that randomizes the items in the table local Randomed = table[Randomizer] -- this is the value that was chosen from the randomizer print(tostring(Randomed).." is currently playing.") -- prints which song is playing Sound.SoundId = Randomed.SoundId -- transfers the song to the musicplayer Sound.Pitch = Randomed.Pitch -- copies the pitch of the audio name.Value = Randomed.SOUND_NAME.Value -- pastes the name of the audio into the "music player" Sound:Play() -- plays the sound wait(130) -- waits untill the song is over Sound:Stop() -- stops the sound Sound.SoundId = "http://www.roblox.com/asset/?id=" -- takes out the sound id Sound.Pitch = 0 -- resets the pitch name.Value = "" end
Local Script:
--------------------------------------------------------- -- VARIABLES --------------------------------------------------------- local MP = script.Parent local progress_bar = MP.PROGRESS_bar local progress = MP.PROGRESS_bar.progress local pause = MP.PAUSE_BUTTON local volume = MP.VOLUME_BUTTON local playing = MP.PLAYING_SONG local name = MP.PLAYING_SONG.SONG_NAME local music = game.Workspace.MusicPlayer local name2 = music.SOUND_NAME local test = Instance.new("Sound") --------------------------------------------------------- -- PAUSE BUTTON --------------------------------------------------------- function onClick() if pause.Image == "http://www.roblox.com/asset/?id=4666595627" then pause.Image = "http://www.roblox.com/asset/?id=4666594565" music:Pause() else pause.Image = "http://www.roblox.com/asset/?id=4666595627" music:Resume() end end pause.MouseButton1Click:Connect(onClick) --------------------------------------------------------- -- VOLUME BUTTON --------------------------------------------------------- function onClick2() if volume.Image == "http://www.roblox.com/asset/?id=4666200375" then volume.Image = "http://www.roblox.com/asset/?id=4666216912" music.Volume = 0 else volume.Image = "http://www.roblox.com/asset/?id=4666200375" music.Volume = 1 end end volume.MouseButton1Click:Connect(onClick2) -------------------------------------------------------- -- SONG NAME -------------------------------------------------------- while true do if music.IsPlaying then name.Text = name2.Value else name.Text = "..." end wait(130) end
If you didn't know, I'm making a music player that shuffles the music. I was having trouble creating the "song playing" script but eventually, I did it! Thanks for all the help though, I appreciate it.